Friday, November 16, 2012

Educated Bacon

Good day to all,

Bacon and I recently attended an extremely boring lecture on the importance of Pig Wigs. Since we trapped in a very large auditorium and had nothing but our lecture note paper, we decided to do what we do best...doodle! We thought you might enjoy them. Enjoy!

Guardian Bacon

80's Workout Bacon

Bacon and his buds demonstrate a "balanced breakfast".

-Maple Bacon's Blog

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

*~Thanksgiving!!~* Turkey Bacon

I am a fan of most every holiday, but I must say Thanksgiving is mine and Bacon's favorite. The idea of spending a whole month being thankful for all the things and people around us we love, is pretty cool in itself. But then at the end of the month we get to gorge ourselves on the best dishes in our family's recipe books?!! BEST. HOLIDAY. EVER. In honor of Thanksgiving Day, Bacon and his some of his family members got all dressed up. 

Happy Thanksgiving!
-Maple Bacon's Blog

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gay Bacon?

Recently I received a request to post a drawing of gay bacon. Since the Bacon I know has no bacon bits, I was confused as to how to draw a gay or straight bacon. Luckily the requester sent a video link along with the request. You can watch it here:
Candy BBQ- Epic Meal Time

Here's my take on Gay Bacon, or Gaycon as I like to call it:


It's loud, it's proud, it's beautiful.

Thanks Epic Meal Time for bringing gay bacon to my attention. It's a lot of fun to draw, and even more fun to look at.

-Maple Bacon's

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Bacon's Halloween Costume

 Dear Creepies and Crawlies,
Coming up very shortly is Halloween, and what is second best thing about this holiday?(first of course being free candy from strangers.) Costumes!!! I was having a hard time deciding what I should be this season. So since Bacon and I share a similar personality, flare for fashion, and body type, I decided to try them out on Bacon first. Which one do you think suits us best?

Bac- O - Latern


Mummy Bacon

Ninja Bacon

Princess Bacon

Count Bacula



I know. A tough choice, right?  

Perhaps you know of some other costumes I should try out on Bacon and myself.

Here's a blank Bacon to doodle on:

Submit your Bacons and I'll post a new reader's Bacon every day until Halloween...and maybe a few after Halloween if I like them that much.

Happy Halloween!
-Maple Bacons

Halloween Bacon Strip Adult Costume (Google Affiliate Ad)Halloween Bacon Dog Costume (Google Affiliate Ad)Halloween Bacon Bunting Infant's Costume (Google Affiliate Ad)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Almost Every Day Off

Every now and then I have a day off. On those days, prior to my day off, I get to planning. For some reason I see this day as the day I can get everything done. An overwhelming surge of motivation and excitement swirl in my very disorganized brain.

"This next day off will be the most productive day EVEEEEER!!!", I very confidently proclaim to myself.

....and then....